ቤት> ምርቶች> የዘር መጠቅለያ

የዘር መጠቅለያ

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የፊልም ፊልም መረጃ

የተዘበራረቀ ፊልም ምንድነው?

መዘርጋት ፊልም ምርቶችን ለማስጠበቅ, እና ምርቶችን ለማረጋጋት የሚያገለግል የፕላስቲክ ፊልም ነው. ከቀጥታ ዝቅተኛ እሽቅድምድም የተሰራ, ከቀጥታ ዝቅተኛ እሽቅድምድም የተሠራ ፊልም. ሲተገበሩ ፊልሙ ጥብቅ እና የተጠበቁ የምርት ጭነት ለማግኘት በምርቶች ዙሪያ መጎተት እና መዘርጋት አለበት. የዘራፊ ፊልም በተለያዩ ስፋቶች, ውፍረት እና ቀለሞች ውስጥ ይመጣል.

የመዘርጋት ፊልም ዓይነቶች

Bundling Stretch Film- Considered any film roll between 2-5 inches in width. Bundling film is a excellent alternative tape and plastic strapping for bundling multiple products together.
Hand Stretch Film- Most of our hand film comes with a standard 3" core that will fit most any hand dispensers. Choose everything from clear to colored and even anti-static stretch wrap film.
Extended Core Stretch Film- Offers built-in handles that are great for companies that need to wrap something on the go. The integrated handles are ideal for low volume output or mobile stretch wrap applications.
Machine Stretch Film- Our machine pallet stretch wrap is offered in true standard gauged film as well as pre-stretched and equivalent film. All of our machine films can run on stretch wrap machines with up to a 250% stretch.
Colored Stretch Film- We offer transparent and opaque colored stretch film ideal for a variety of applications. Companies use transparent stretch film to color code loads to make for easy identification during shipping. The opaque film conceals loads and protects shipments from UV light.

ተዛማጅ ምርቶች ዝርዝር
ቤት> ምርቶች> የዘር መጠቅለያ
እኛ ኢሚልያምን እናነጋግርዎታለን

በፍጥነት ከእርስዎ ጋር ሊገናኝዎ እንዲችል የበለጠ መረጃ ይሙሉ

የግላዊነት መግለጫ: - የእርስዎ ግላዊነት ለእኛ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው. ኩባንያችን ግልፅ የሆነ ፈቃዶችዎን ለማጣራት የግል መረጃዎን ላለመስጠት ተስፋ ላለመግለጥ ተስፋ እንዳለው.
